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Messages - Johny Bravo

Arduino (android) a .NET Gadgeteer vyzeraju najlepsie
este google musi zaplatit lowe, ze davaju mapy zadarmo.. co je to za kktinu :)

France convicts Google Maps for unfair competition

(AFP) – 4 days ago

PARIS — A French commercial court has found Google guilty of abusing the dominant position of its Google Maps application and ordered it to pay a fine and damages to a French mapping company.

In a ruling Tuesday, the Paris court upheld an unfair competition complaint lodged by Bottin Cartographes against Google France and its parent company Google Inc. for providing free web mapping services to some businesses.

The court ordered Google to pay 500,000 euros ($660,000) in damages and interest to the plaintiff and a 15,000 euro fine.

The French company provides the same services for a fee and claimed the Google strategy was aimed at undercutting competitors by temporarily swallowing the full cost until it gains control of the market.

"This is the end of a two-year battle, a decision without precedent," said the lawyer for Bottin Cartographes, Jean-David Scemmama.

"We proved the illegality of (Google's) strategy to remove its competitors... the court recognised the unfair and abusive character of the methods used and allocated Bottin Cartographes all it claimed. This is the first time Google has been convicted for its Google Maps application," he said.

A Google France spokesman said the company would appeal.

"We will appeal this decision. We remain convinced that a free high-quality mapping tool is beneficial for both Internet users and websites. There remains competition in this sector for us, both in France and internationally," he said.

Google has previously faced other difficulties in France and last March the country's data privacy regulator imposed a record fine of 100,000 euros on the company for collecting private information while compiling its Street View service.

O ničom / Re: Protest Gorila v KE
29.01.2012, 21:16:31

Protest musí byť riadne ohlásený na príslušných úradoch.

Všetky informácie upresníme po dohode organizačného tímu.

uvidime kedy bude, ale treba ist urcite
aha bo som hladal na obedovat.sk a len na terase vypisalo.. ok dik za info :)

neviete nahodou co sa stalo s cinskou restikou 'mandarin' na hlavnej?
Quote from: Tren on  26.01.2012, 14:42:07
Quote from: Johny Bravo on  26.01.2012, 14:34:41
Quote from: veteran on  08.09.2011, 00:54:58
Admin by mohol opraviť kódovanie v databáze tohto fóra  ;) Konkrétne v políčku, kde sa zapisuje názov topicu. Zjavne tam nie sú nastavené slovenské znaky, pravidelne nahradzuje otáznikom znak "č".
myslim ze aj ť nahradza otaznikom
vsetko by malo fungovat.. (ked zalozil novy topic)
Quote from: veteran on  08.09.2011, 00:54:58
Admin by mohol opraviť kódovanie v databáze tohto fóra  ;) Konkrétne v políčku, kde sa zapisuje názov topicu. Zjavne tam nie sú nastavené slovenské znaky, pravidelne nahradzuje otáznikom znak "č".
O ničom / Re: jazykovka
21.01.2012, 03:55:49
no a potom si zahraj nejake strategicke hry (caesar 3,4, anno 1404... alebo hocijake stare kde je vela textu)
O ničom / Re: jazykovka
21.01.2012, 03:54:08
zacinaj pozerat serialy po ENG s titulkami a  potom bez ;)
O ničom / Re: sorry za downtime
16.01.2012, 23:01:31
30-60minut to trvalo v nedelu popoludni.. urcite ti ktori chodia na skusky tak checknu ci nie je nejake nove info ;)
O ničom / sorry za downtime
15.01.2012, 16:41:11
robili mensi upgrade
O ničom / wow, x-com1 a lba1 remake
08.01.2012, 02:35:17
fuh brutal spravy tak na zaciatok roka, chysta za remake x-com1 od firaxis (civilization) a aj lba1 (asi od originalnych autorov)


:bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar: :bannana_guitar:
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
05.01.2012, 22:36:58
klavesnicu uz mam doma a je celkom dobra... je to cheap shit ale za 10 eur celkom ok :)
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
05.01.2012, 03:49:10
Quote from: v_oid on  04.01.2012, 16:00:50
akurat cmd namiesto windows, nemas jedno?
na win klavesniciach mas este jedno 'properties' tlacidlo medzi WIN znakom a CTRL na pravej strane..
no na druhej strane som to niekdy nestlacil este :)
btw ten apple keyboard vyzera brutalne sexy ... len ta cena :)
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
04.01.2012, 04:44:23
Quote from: v_oid on  04.01.2012, 03:30:40
Potom povedz, aka je ta speedlink, vyzera ok.
ok ;)
Quote from: Havran on  04.01.2012, 04:01:33
Quote from: v_oid on  03.01.2012, 23:53:16

stoji za tie peniaze

ta ale na appleackej su ine klavesy daktore a nemyslim ze Johny ma apple comp a 49€ wtf
ee nemam jablko a ani neplanujem kupovat :)
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
04.01.2012, 02:11:55
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
03.01.2012, 17:24:02
fuh toto vyzera rovnako http://www.alza.sk/speed-link-verdana-cz-d238253.htm#foto a ma aj medzeru medzi F-kami, co je dost podstatne, a je brutalne lacny heh
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
03.01.2012, 06:27:31
Quote from: ercole on  02.01.2012, 17:05:32
Ja mám http://www.progamingshop.sk/speedlink-verso-slim-profile-usb-keyboard-p-37552.html

Nemám s ňou žiaden problém. Funguje ako má, písanie na nej je pohodlné ako na NB. :)
heh uz nemaju v ponuke :)
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
03.01.2012, 05:19:00
urcite toto bude drahe na tom:
Disponuje jasne podsvietenými klávesami s nastaviteľnou intenzitou
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
03.01.2012, 02:58:40
solarne napajanie? naco? :)
btw vraj tato je dobra http://datacomp.sk/klavesnica-logitech-illuminated-black-usb_d26371.html ale 70eur za klavesnicu... :)
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
02.01.2012, 18:44:58
mas tam anglicke klavesy? lebo dakto napisal do commentov ze: klavesnica nema anglicke ale nemecke tlacitka, pre tych ktorym to moze vadit.
inac vyzera dobre, mozno este odskocim do datartu ci tam maju nejake na ukazku
O ničom / Re: poradte slim klavesnicu
02.01.2012, 17:00:00
vyzera sexy ale num. klavesnicu urcite potrebujem :(