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Zobrazi prspevky MenuQuote from: veteran on 10.01.2012, 15:46:15
- potom ti systém vygeneruje nový.
Quote from: Tren on 09.01.2012, 19:23:38
len pozor..je to rozdelene aj na semestre nie na rok, na uspesne ukoncenie semestra musis dosiahnut 18kr. to znamena 3 predmety..najdes to na fakultnej stranke..
Quote from: Manufacturer's DescriptionListen, and let the featherweight K 314 P with their elegant white finish put music in your ears wherever you go.
And the unique Crystal-Clear Sound technology makes every track sound as if you were right at the concert! An integrated volume control adds to the versatility of these fabulous earphones.
- Headphones weight without cable (g): 5
- Sensitivity (dB/mW, dB/V*): 126*
- Audio bandwidth (Hz to kHz): 17-23
- Max. input power (mW): 15
- Rated impedance (ohms): 17
- Replaceable ear pads: Yes
- 99.99% oxygen-free cable (length in m): 1.15
- Hard gold-plated jack plug and contacts: Yes
- Semi-open, dynamic headphones: Yes
- NdFe magnets: Yes
- Suited for (SA)CD, DVD(A), DAT: Yes
- Best for MP3, CD, MD and PC/laptops: Yes
Quote from: M4D4 on 23.09.2011, 21:48:53
inak keď už sme pri tej matike, tak vysoko odporúčam každý týždeň si pár hodín počítať a prepočítávať príklady ;-) ja som matiku 1 nespravil a dnes sme mali cviko z opakovanej matiky 1 a verte mi, nechcete toto zažiť, takže sa to radšej svedomite učte ;-)