Quote from: v_oid on 30.04.2013, 21:44:50
Sumarizacia mojho snazenia sa na skole:
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Zobrazi prspevky MenuQuote from: v_oid on 30.04.2013, 21:44:50
Sumarizacia mojho snazenia sa na skole:
Quote from: v_oid on 14.03.2013, 23:52:48Quote from: Havran on 14.03.2013, 02:37:29
zase chujoviny vymyslate namiesto fora
Newsflash:VsetciVäčšina pouzivaju Facebook
A prestahoval som sa na iny server, ($5 namiesto 12€ mesacne), no a uz by to asi nepotiahlo aj Edukit, sorry. Kto chce archiv vsetkych stranok, email ma na vojto@me.com.
Quote from: Makaveli on 17.02.2013, 05:57:28
aké fórum Vám to pripomínahttp://www.anddev.it/index.php?topic=13.15
Quote from: v_oid on 25.04.2012, 03:06:31
Cokolvek by som teraz postol, povedal by si, ze ti to nepride vtipne.
Edit: Skusim
A young couple is going to have dinner at the girl's parents' house, and after that, they plan to have sex for the first time. The boy goes to buy a condom from the pharmacy before going to his girlfriend's house. Obviously, as a virgin, he has no idea what he's doing. The pharmacist there sees the boy and goes to give him help. Soon they have been talking for over an hour as to which condoms are best. The boy buys a condom and thanks the pharmacist for all of his help. The boy then goes off to his girlfriend's house for dinner. He says hi to the father and mother, but quickly suggests they say Grace. Even after the father as finished saying Grace, the young boy keeps his head down, first for a minute, then 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and then a half-hour has gone by. The girl leans over to the boy and whispers "You never told me you were so religious" and the boy responds "You never told me your dad was a pharmacist"
Quote from: tino8 on 29.03.2012, 22:14:10
tak to asi nechodis na mhd casto... uvediem jeden priklad: startuje o minutu skor ako ma, a aj ked vidi ze bezis, jednoducho zatvori predtebou dvere a odide
Quote from: xxx3 on 26.03.2012, 19:10:00
skoda, ze to je v stredu, tiez by som prisiel ale mam na vtedy ine plany
Quote from: Shwollo on 25.03.2012, 23:36:36
no čo? pán dekan príde, či nie?
Quote from: JCube on 13.03.2012, 21:01:16
och jak dobre ze som neostal na skole ked vidim prispevky slovenskej inteligencie je mi na zvracanie..
Quote from: veteran on 03.03.2012, 18:38:40Quote from: xxx3 on 03.03.2012, 18:33:05Wow, no to je teda odpoveď... Napísal som tam 0, nula, zero - nedobre, "vraca nulu" - dobre
vracia nulu
Každopádne, dík
Quote from: felipe on 26.02.2012, 23:21:44
kazdy priecinok v tom zipku s ulohami ma obsahovat
daco.c - zdrojovy kod
dacodaco.txt - skopirovany vypis konzoly
dobre som to pochopil?