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WINDOWS XP vs DirectX 10

Started by nighthunter, 17.07.2008, 17:32:43

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[CZ]ak myslim spravne {ak nie opravte ma}  win XP direct X 10 nepodporuje

ale uz som cital ze je nejaky patch ktory to potom umozni rozbehat

takze ak niekto mate skusenosti hodte sem nieco pouzitelne[/CZ]
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


tu je nejaky patch na to

ale ja som to neskusal, lebo podla mna to nestoji za to... tak ci tak tam je problem s tym, ze aj ked nahodis DX10 tak ti nepojdu pri tomto patche vsetko hardwarerovo pri niektorych specifickych DX10 veciach... cize ti budu niektore veci ist pomalsie lebo sa to bude mierne emulovat... nic extra to podla mna neni...

DX10 chcem vyskusat ked si konecne doladim Windows Server 2008, ktory uz mam instalnuty, len musim daco doladit, ked dojdem domov... moze to by zaujimave s HD4850

Múdri sa naučia od hlupákov viac, ako sa hlúpi poučia z príkladu múdrych.
(Marcus Porcius C. Cato)
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
(Albert Einstein)

Hi yourself ;)


prikladam jedno vysvetlenie z netu od jedneho manika:

Just in order to explain a couple of things that you might not have gotten at all:

This DX10 fix doesn't provide DX10 enhanced graphics capabilities on XP systems, it just disables them in order to have them compatible with DirectX 9.0 systems. Another point: only a couple of DX10 games run on XP in 3D hardware mode when this RC2 mode is used, the rest of them is running only in 'programme' mode which means no hw acceleration except of native <=9.0 API calls is performed.

When any game is programmed in pure DX10 mode (only DX10 API instruction set is used by game developers), no HW acceleration will be made and the game will be unplayable on DX10 RC2 XP mod. In such cases, the game will even refuse to start.


Múdri sa naučia od hlupákov viac, ako sa hlúpi poučia z príkladu múdrych.
(Marcus Porcius C. Cato)
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
(Albert Einstein)

Hi yourself ;)