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Started by Johny Bravo, 22.10.2005, 18:16:43

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


ahh... to boli vacsi luzri... skor detasovane pracovisko v roznave od UPJS


Viete ako sa mate zachovat, ked budete prepadnuti v cudzej krajine? Nie? TU je par fraz, ktore sa Vam zidu... :emot-LMAO: :emot-LMAO: :emot-LMAO: :emot-LMAO:

EDIT: aj toto je celkom fajna haluz... :)
(O.o )
(> < ) To understand is to be, but to be taken, requires a state of trance.......  ;)

mrkvy :zuzka: svoj vodicak :D


ze by zacinali Japoncici predbiehat v debilite amikov????


tie 3 nemaju chybu :D
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


len nech ich nestretnem...


Quote from: stricky on  08.10.2007, 05:33:20
ze by zacinali Japoncici predbiehat v debilite amikov????

Mno, ale je tu este jeden narod... ;)
(O.o )
(> < ) To understand is to be, but to be taken, requires a state of trance.......  ;)

mrkvy :zuzka: svoj vodicak :D


no jo.... heh.. aj ja cem take papucky... a teflonovu cestu....


mno na tom poslednom odkaze bola dobra akurat ta hudba  :guitar:


lol ten Human art je pecka :D
(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


heh... no asi 3x po sebe som si to pustil a stale sa rehocem :D

(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


jo a este si pozrite video s nazvom Drunk Man :D
(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


lubis ma,draha?
ano,A ty?
Aj ja sa lubim
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


(O.o )
(> < ) To understand is to be, but to be taken, requires a state of trance.......  ;)

mrkvy :zuzka: svoj vodicak :D


Perhaps my only gripe with Windows Vista is that it treats me like a baby. No, really, it does. If Windows XP would check to see if I was sure I wanted to do anything I told it I wanted to do, Vista double checks and then checks to see if I'm an administrator and finally checks again to see if as an administrator I still want to do whatever it is I wanted to do. 

It's always offering me options and describing them in specific detail, with pictures, as if I were some sort of idiot that couldn't understand basic writing. If it says "This program will close" underneath it it will explain what that means, with a nice, huge icon that also illustrates the situation. 

Sometimes, I feel like Vista is going to decide that maybe I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing, and just not do it and perhaps sit down and have a chat with me about what I should do instead. You know, like, "Hey, O... I saw you wanted to delete this file here, but I was hoping maybe we could have a little chat about it before you actually went and deleted, OK? So tell me, how does this file make you feel?" It's like my computer now cares about me and my personal growth. 

I swear, Vista is so nice and safe that I seriously think that one day it'll lock up and tell me I can't use it until I've washed my hands. 

This whole situation got me thinking about Bill Gates house, which is supposedly handled entirely by computer(s). If he's got Windows Vista running the place, I'm sure those kids don't need a mother anymore.
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


heh, som rad kde byvam...


10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"

Ing. nemtom

more pamatam ked som tento obrazok videl 1x, asi 5min v kuse som bol z neho v p tak som sa smial:D:DD:D:D
brix will be shat


10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


trosku nechutne.... :c_evil:


sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


pusta  spol ta ukamenuju za chvilu
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)