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Started by Johny Bravo, 22.10.2005, 18:16:43

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »



si pozrite dnesnu sudnu sien :D nema chybu proste :D v archive este neni tak nehodim link :D


Quote from: markus on  12.03.2012, 20:05:41
si pozrite dnesnu sudnu sien :D nema chybu proste :D v archive este neni tak nehodim link :D
Zajtra ráno pôjde repríza - teraz je dôležitejší hokej. Určite si pozriem, brat sa v obývačke váľa po zemi  ;D :D


sledujte na vlastnu zodpovednost, hrozi ze vam klesne IQ

The real meaning of MPH


Mozno old, ale ja som to nepoznal :D


ja som to uz aj skusil :D a kedze mame psika bolo to aj hodnoverne :D

karamel je cukr co se uz neuzdravi!





jj, ten je dobry a podla mna ma pravdu ;D sak to de sme, ze by sa taky team tlacil vsade a my nic?
80% mozgu človeka tvorí kvapalina, v mojom prípade brzdová..

CHCEM S5 :zuzka: STARY IS :zuzka: !!!!


Ale je dobrý, to sa musí uznať  ;)


80% mozgu človeka tvorí kvapalina, v mojom prípade brzdová..

CHCEM S5 :zuzka: STARY IS :zuzka: !!!!


Ze nevedia po anglicky.. Preto tam sedia.. Mne to nepride az take vtipne.


Quote from: v_oid on  24.04.2012, 19:15:19
Ze nevedia po anglicky.. Preto tam sedia.. Mne to nepride az take vtipne.
daj dajaky vtip ty


Cokolvek by som teraz postol, povedal by si, ze ti to nepride vtipne.

Edit: Skusim

A young couple is going to have dinner at the girl's parents' house, and after that, they plan to have sex for the first time. The boy goes to buy a condom from the pharmacy before going to his girlfriend's house. Obviously, as a virgin, he has no idea what he's doing. The pharmacist there sees the boy and goes to give him help. Soon they have been talking for over an hour as to which condoms are best. The boy buys a condom and thanks the pharmacist for all of his help. The boy then goes off to his girlfriend's house for dinner. He says hi to the father and mother, but quickly suggests they say Grace. Even after the father as finished saying Grace, the young boy keeps his head down, first for a minute, then 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and then a half-hour has gone by. The girl leans over to the boy and whispers "You never told me you were so religious" and the boy responds "You never told me your dad was a pharmacist"


Quote from: v_oid on  25.04.2012, 03:06:31
Cokolvek by som teraz postol, povedal by si, ze ti to nepride vtipne.

Edit: Skusim

A young couple is going to have dinner at the girl's parents' house, and after that, they plan to have sex for the first time. The boy goes to buy a condom from the pharmacy before going to his girlfriend's house. Obviously, as a virgin, he has no idea what he's doing. The pharmacist there sees the boy and goes to give him help. Soon they have been talking for over an hour as to which condoms are best. The boy buys a condom and thanks the pharmacist for all of his help. The boy then goes off to his girlfriend's house for dinner. He says hi to the father and mother, but quickly suggests they say Grace. Even after the father as finished saying Grace, the young boy keeps his head down, first for a minute, then 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and then a half-hour has gone by. The girl leans over to the boy and whispers "You never told me you were so religious" and the boy responds "You never told me your dad was a pharmacist"

príliš dlhé a predvídateľné


tl tr informatik? :ropebanana:

kazdy ma proste iny zmysel humorovy


To mi pripomenulo klasickú scénu v lekárni z filmu TAXI  ;)

@Informatik - priznaj sa že si to nevieš preložiť  ;D ;D


Quote from: pawlo on  25.04.2012, 05:35:32
To mi pripomenulo klasickú scénu v lekárni z filmu TAXI  ;)

@Informatik - priznaj sa že si to nevieš preložiť  ;D ;D

Tou kritikou som len maskoval moje nedostatky z angličtiny :D


Quote from: v_oid on  25.04.2012, 03:06:31
Cokolvek by som teraz postol, povedal by si, ze ti to nepride vtipne.

Edit: Skusim

A young couple is going to have dinner at the girl's parents' house, and after that, they plan to have sex for the first time. The boy goes to buy a condom from the pharmacy before going to his girlfriend's house. Obviously, as a virgin, he has no idea what he's doing. The pharmacist there sees the boy and goes to give him help. Soon they have been talking for over an hour as to which condoms are best. The boy buys a condom and thanks the pharmacist for all of his help. The boy then goes off to his girlfriend's house for dinner. He says hi to the father and mother, but quickly suggests they say Grace. Even after the father as finished saying Grace, the young boy keeps his head down, first for a minute, then 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and then a half-hour has gone by. The girl leans over to the boy and whispers "You never told me you were so religious" and the boy responds "You never told me your dad was a pharmacist"

when does the narwhal bacon ?
F5 can be so refreshing :thumbs-up:


at midnight, fellow re... err I mean internet user..