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powerpoint viewer pre nokiu 6300?

Started by Johny Bravo, 13.01.2009, 22:13:53

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a co sa chces k tomu spytat? mam si to stiahnut a vyskusat na svojej 6300?


lol... tak on to asi hlada odkial stiahne nie? :D

Johny Bravo

hladam program co vie otvarat prezentacie :)


while (2*2 == 5) { echo "If you're reading this, something is definitely wrong"; }


ako som pisal, neskusal som to... mal som to uz dlhsiu dobu na HDD, ale kedze mam iphone tak som to nestihol vyskusat

while (2*2 == 5) { echo "If you're reading this, something is definitely wrong"; }


nokia wireless presenter nie je schopne daco take citat?
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


Wireless Presenter

Use your Nokia phone as a remote control for your PC with Nokia Wireless Presenter. Using Bluetooth wireless technology, this software allows you to control your Windows desktop applications, such as:

    * Slide presentations: Compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint, the Nokia Wireless Presenter lets you browse presentation slide titles.
    * Music and DVD player applications in your PC

cize to bude asi iba ako dialkovy bluetooth ovladac imho

while (2*2 == 5) { echo "If you're reading this, something is definitely wrong"; }