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post 1000

Started by Johny Bravo, 29.01.2007, 01:36:51

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


383 ... dobry den vospolok :) ...

Múdri sa naučia od hlupákov viac, ako sa hlúpi poučia z príkladu múdrych.
(Marcus Porcius C. Cato)
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
(Albert Einstein)

Hi yourself ;)


384 no jo good morning
inac deel to co za haluz mas tham dole v signature?  :huh2:


385 oco vam tu ide ludia ? nechapem stym cislom  :whacko:
read my blog> www.codemazing.com <read my blog


 386 aaaaaaaaaaaa on to porusiiil  :nervous:  :nervous:  :nervous:


387  :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance:
psicho naprav svoju neospravedlnitelnu chybu
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


388 tha haluz coo :D

Múdri sa naučia od hlupákov viac, ako sa hlúpi poučia z príkladu múdrych.
(Marcus Porcius C. Cato)
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
(Albert Einstein)

Hi yourself ;)


389 - dobra haluz je to Deel si to necham aj ja aspon na chvilu v signature ak ti to neva :)
Mommy says I'm a special person no matter what the other kids say...

Ing. nemtom

390 haluz haluz :D, ale ja si necham svoj DIY signature
brix will be shat


391 petrushka ... povolenie udelene ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Múdri sa naučia od hlupákov viac, ako sa hlúpi poučia z príkladu múdrych.
(Marcus Porcius C. Cato)
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
(Albert Einstein)

Hi yourself ;)


393 bre ranko .. hej eminka a to sa somnou este vymenil ten co vedla mna sedel a az potom som dostal test :)
pUf :zuzka: ywetku (teh one and only :D)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Support my band :) :P

Ing. nemtom

395 jj, prave som kukal, neska to dam  :emot-LMAO: :emot-LMAO: vo velkom style  :emot-LMAO: :emot-LMAO:
brix will be shat

Ing. nemtom

397 este neviem co bude ten velky styl, to len tak ma napadlo... mozno zalozim topic, neviem  :emot-LMAO:
brix will be shat


398 tak to sa potom zacnime pripravovat  :alc:


399 uz len 1 a je 400
:bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: (4 jazdci apokalypsy)
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)

Ing. nemtom

400 reku zoberem si aj toto jubileum :D
brix will be shat

Ing. nemtom

402 som chcel napisat ze uz sme v polke, ale potom ma nejaka vnutorna sila zastavila  :emot-LMAO: :emot-LMAO:
brix will be shat


OMFG toje zasahovanie do mojej autority !!! toto sa nemoze ze mi dakto upravi moj post !!! este raz a budem to riesit sudnou cestou !!!! :D
read my blog> www.codemazing.com <read my blog


404 page not found
Cudne. preco mi nejdu SK a CZ stranky??

There is no such bad temper that can not be fixed with some good wine.


405: Method Not Allowed
:bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance: :bananadance:
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


406 = 2 × 7 × 29, sphenic number, triangular number, centered nonagonal number, nontotient, untouchable number, also area code for Montana, and HTTP error code for "Not acceptable".

406 is a poem by John Boyle O'Reilly. It was believed to have been the number of one of O'Reilly's prison cells, and was the number of his first hotel room after he arrived in the United States. Hence the number had a mystical significance to him, as intimated in the poem.

See also the Peugeot 406 car.

Mommy says I'm a special person no matter what the other kids say...


407 i taky je pegueot?
aka taste / ambient nujazz / vukow syndycate


408 Request timeout

niekto nam tu pouziva wikipediu :D

Múdri sa naučia od hlupákov viac, ako sa hlúpi poučia z príkladu múdrych.
(Marcus Porcius C. Cato)
It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer.
(Albert Einstein)

Hi yourself ;)


409 - HTTP error code for Conflict

a preco nie? :) teraz som sa trochu krotila  :hammer:
Mommy says I'm a special person no matter what the other kids say...


410 a to je vaha 41 medvedikov cistotnych ak kazdy vazi 10 kg
pUf :zuzka: ywetku (teh one and only :D)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Support my band :) :P

Ing. nemtom

411 je cislo, ktoreho posledne cifry ked scitame vide nam cislo ktore mi chyba do postu #1000

edit: sa bojim napisat post cislo 999 lebo potom by som uz musel dat liter a neviem ci som pripraveny, takze budem editovat tento :D :D :D
brix will be shat