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okienka :)

Started by Leon, 26.03.2008, 00:26:43

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


Hľadal som jeden crack na nete a keď som to stiahol zrazu vyskočili asi 3-4 príkazové riadky, prešlo v nich pár riadkov a za 2 sekundy sa hneď aj vypli,.... začalo mi vyskakovať toto okno

tak som prešiel komp s ad-aware, spyware doctor, spyware terminator, odstránilo to pár sračiek ale stále mi to vyskakuje

neviete čo s tým?


Quote from: Leon on  26.03.2008, 00:26:43
neviete čo s tým?


skus toto. pred formatom :)

aha, mozno ti to ten trojan aj blokuje symantec...

ta potom>

Discovered: January 13, 2005
Updated: February 13, 2007 12:31:53 PM
Type: Trojan Horse
Systems Affected: Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP

The following instructions pertain to all current and recent Symantec antivirus products, including the Symantec AntiVirus and Norton AntiVirus product lines.

   1. Disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP).
   2. Update the virus definitions.
   3. Restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode.
   4. Run a full system scan and delete all the files detected as Backdoor.Abebot.
   5. Reverse the changes made to the registry.

For details on each of these steps, read the following instructions.

1. To disable System Restore (Windows Me/XP)
If you are running Windows Me or Windows XP, we recommend that you temporarily turn off System Restore. Windows Me/XP uses this feature, which is enabled by default, to restore the files on your computer in case they become damaged. If a virus, worm, or Trojan infects a computer, System Restore may back up the virus, worm, or Trojan on the computer.

Windows prevents outside programs, including antivirus programs, from modifying System Restore. Therefore, antivirus programs or tools cannot remove threats in the System Restore folder. As a result, System Restore has the potential of restoring an infected file on your computer, even after you have cleaned the infected files from all the other locations.

Also, a virus scan may detect a threat in the System Restore folder even though you have removed the threat.

For instructions on how to turn off System Restore, read your Windows documentation, or one of the following articles:

    * "How to disable or enable Windows Me System Restore"
    * "How to turn off or turn on Windows XP System Restore"

Note: When you are completely finished with the removal procedure and are satisfied that the threat has been removed, re-enable System Restore by following the instructions in the aforementioned documents.

For additional information, and an alternative to disabling Windows Me System Restore, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base article, "Antivirus Tools Cannot Clean Infected Files in the _Restore Folder," Article ID: Q263455.

2. To update the virus definitions
Symantec Security Response fully tests all the virus definitions for quality assurance before they are posted to our servers. There are two ways to obtain the most recent virus definitions:

    * Running LiveUpdate, which is the easiest way to obtain virus definitions: These virus definitions are posted to the LiveUpdate servers once each week (usually on Wednesdays), unless there is a major virus outbreak. To determine whether definitions for this threat are available by LiveUpdate, refer to the Virus Definitions (LiveUpdate).
    * Downloading the definitions using the Intelligent Updater: The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are posted daily. You should download the definitions from the Symantec Security Response Web site and manually install them. To determine whether definitions for this threat are available by the Intelligent Updater, refer to the Virus Definitions (Intelligent Updater).

      The Intelligent Updater virus definitions are available: Read "How to update virus definition files using the Intelligent Updater" for detailed instructions.

      Note: If you see an error, such as LU1418, when you try to run LiveUpdate and you cannot get the Web site hosting the Intelligent Updater, it is likely that theTrojan has modified the Hosts file. You can either download and install LiveUpdate 2.5, which can remove Symantec entries from that file, or you can edit it yourself. See the instructions for both in the "Additional Information" section below.

3. To restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode
Shut down the computer and turn off the power. Wait for at least 30 seconds, and then restart the computer in Safe mode or VGA mode.

    * For Windows 95, 98, Me, 2000, or XP users, restart the computer in Safe mode. For instructions, read the document, "How to start the computer in Safe Mode."
    * For Windows NT 4 users, restart the computer in VGA mode.

4. To scan for and delete the infected files

   1. Start your Symantec antivirus program and make sure that it is configured to scan all the files.
          * For Norton AntiVirus consumer products: Read the document, "How to configure Norton AntiVirus to scan all files."
          * For Symantec AntiVirus Enterprise products: Read the document, "How to verify that a Symantec Corporate antivirus product is set to scan all files."
   2. Run a full system scan.
   3. If any files are detected as infected with Backdoor.Abebot, click Delete.

5. To reverse the changes made to the registry
Important: Symantec strongly recommends that you back up the registry before making any changes to it. Incorrect changes to the registry can result in permanent data loss or corrupted files. Modify the specified keys only. Read the document, "How to make a backup of the Windows registry," for instructions.

   1. Click Start > Run.
   2. Type regedit

      Then click OK.

   3. Navigate to the key:


   4. In the right pane, delete the value:

      "[random service name]" = "[random file name].exe -services"

   5. Navigate to the key:


   6. In the right pane, delete the value:

      "[random service name]" = "[random file name].exe -services -drivers"

   7. Exit the Registry Editor.

   8. Restart the computer in Normal mode. For instructions, read the section on returning to Normal mode in the document, "How to start the computer in Safe Mode."

Writeup By: Hatsuho Honda

There is no such bad temper that can not be fixed with some good wine.


vyriešené, díky :)
