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Nemate niekto hry na Nokiu 6230i ???

Started by milanko, 16.02.2008, 22:01:07

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


komu sa to chce niekde hladat... nemate niekto ?  bq
(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


while (2*2 == 5) { echo "If you're reading this, something is definitely wrong"; }


veľmi dobré, dáš si tam aký máš telefón a potom čo preňho chceš (hry, wally, témy, atď).. problém je len v tom, že nie všetko je dobre zatriedené, ale na druhej strane aspoň sa zníži percento tých vecí, ktoré nie sú pre tvoj fón :) vrelo odporúčam :)

#define TRUE FALSE //Happy debugging suckers :D


(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!


ku mne sa dostlo take cosi: http://www.forumno.net/
mam odtial par hier a aplikacii, takze odporucam..
80% mozgu človeka tvorí kvapalina, v mojom prípade brzdová..

CHCEM S5 :zuzka: STARY IS :zuzka: !!!!



ja 100%-ne odporucam to, co stricky (http://www.zedge.net/) a na tej stranke je vsetko, len mas obmedzeny limit stiahnuti 30 denne po registracii

btw: tiez mam aj 6230i

všetko, čo je naozaj užitočné, som sa naučil v materskej škole


no boze moj, minule sa mi to podarilo obist.. tak neviem, podla toho kolko toho chces stiahnut...


Quote from: fanfo on  17.02.2008, 03:23:12
ja 100%-ne odporucam to, co stricky (http://www.zedge.net/) a na tej stranke je vsetko, len mas obmedzeny limit stiahnuti 30 denne po registracii

btw: tiez mam aj 6230i

ten limit funguje tak ze sa prihlasis a mozes stiahnut 30 veci...odhlasis sa prihlasis a zas mozes stiahnut 30 veci...pohoda


maju to riadne premyslene so zabezpecenim :emot-LMAO:

všetko, čo je naozaj užitočné, som sa naučil v materskej škole


to fanfo: vidis, niet sa coho bat, moje veci fachcia...


inac myslim ze to je na kazdy skoro mobil, ale oporucujem Doom RPG hru stiahnut ;)
Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life.


Quote from: Havran on  17.02.2008, 18:43:17
inac myslim ze to je na kazdy skoro mobil, ale oporucujem Doom RPG hru stiahnut ;)

mas link?  :)


Quote from: buhehe on  17.02.2008, 18:45:30
Quote from: Havran on  17.02.2008, 18:43:17
inac myslim ze to je na kazdy skoro mobil, ale oporucujem Doom RPG hru stiahnut ;)

mas link?  :)
ta ale na jaky mobil to chces
Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life.




všetko, čo je naozaj užitočné, som sa naučil v materskej škole




ok srat na to sa mi to nechce googlit ta tuna je

je to klasika java na 320x240 display
Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life.


page can not be found? dobra to stranka :D


tak tak :)

btw: tema je o N6230i = 208x208, len tak na okraj

všetko, čo je naozaj užitočné, som sa naučil v materskej škole


Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life.


Quote from: fanfo on  17.02.2008, 18:56:47
tak tak :)

btw: tema je o N6230i = 208x208, len tak na okraj
je na to navod jak si cez winrara mozes zmenit rozlisenie

Make sure you have WinRAR. open up the.jar game with it by right-clicking on the file, open with WinRAR. go to "META-INF" folder and extract the "manifest.mf" file in der to wherever. open the extracted file by right-clicking on it, open with Notepad. check the "always use this program" box.
Edit file "manifest.mf" Than write there this in the end:

Nokia-MIDlet-Original-Display-Size: 176 ,208
Nokia-MIDlet-Target-Display-Size: 352 ,416

Change the values for your phone and app. 'Original' size is the native resolution of the game, and 'target' size is the resolution of your phone. Change these numbers as appropriate... when ur done, drag it back into the "META-INF" folder. overwrite the previous file. hope this helped.
Achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life.
