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How to Break Windows Notepad

Started by Johny Bravo, 19.06.2006, 04:35:09

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Johny Bravo

Here's how to do it:
1. Open up Notepad (not Wordpad, not Word or any other word processor)
2. Type in this sentence exactly (without quotes): "this app can break"
3. Save the file to your hard drive.
4. Close Notepad
5. Open the saved file by double clicking it.

Instead of seeing your sentence, you should see a series of squares. For whatever reason, Notepad can't figure out what to do with that series of characters and break

funguje :)


dig.. tha to je ale cudna vec.

aj na notepad2 to iste robi.

subor obsahuje prestne co ma, ale dajak vypis chybuje

mam dotaz:
- jak vedia na taketo neco prist?
- ako to je mozne ze taketo neco sa nastane?
- preco skusam taketo hovadiny, miesto toho ze by som sa ucil fyzu??

There is no such bad temper that can not be fixed with some good wine.


There is no such bad temper that can not be fixed with some good wine.


 :)  neee..  tento forum ma lepsi vydrz...  ;D

There is no such bad temper that can not be fixed with some good wine.


(O.o )
(> < ) This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination!

Johny Bravo

asi je to easter egg..
su podobne flipy aj wo worde


niekto mal asi nervy, ze dostal naprogramovat len taku blbost, ako je notepad (aj ked dost potrebnu), a tak sa aspon pobavil s takymi haluzami  :hammer:  :j_smiley:
Mommy says I'm a special person no matter what the other kids say...