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anglicky text a preklad..

Started by Palike, 30.10.2010, 18:00:40

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


nema niekto nahodou nejaky ekonomicky clanok po anglicky s prekladom?.. nejake 4 A4 .. clanok moze byt aj dlhsi, preklad staci tie 4 strany.. okrem tychto clankov..

Forescasting and Analysis of Marketing Data Usgin Neural Networks.
Independent Empirical Support for Porters Genereric Marketing Strategies?
Artificial Intellgence Neural Networks in Measuring Consumer Expectations.
Direct Marketing Performance Modeling Using Genetic Algorithms.

budem vdacny.. dakujem :)


ak by si potreboval preklad textu z/do anglictiny, posli mi email, dohodneme sa
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