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Skripta - 1.rocnik (LS) | Fyz, Ele

Started by matt, 13.02.2010, 23:12:57

« predchádzajúce - ïal¹ie »


predam skripta pre 1. rocnik (letny semester):



(na cene sa dohodneme cez icq)  :)
"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story." (Barney Stinson)
"Where is your suit? Just once, when I say "suit up," I'd like you to put on a suit!" (Barney Stinson)


Serus mam zaujem o tie scripta  daj ICQ num ..


"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story." (Barney Stinson)
"Where is your suit? Just once, when I say "suit up," I'd like you to put on a suit!" (Barney Stinson)