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Started by diacon.mex, 27.09.2008, 22:16:51

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


otazok bolo nieco cez 5O...asi 54 ale niesom si isty...myslim si ze ked si pozriete obidva testy tak pri troche statsia k tomu to nebude az taky problem...zalezi od toho aky test vam vygeneruje...


CCNA 3 done!  bp :bananadance: :buttrock: test nebol presne rovnaky, ako ten co tu bol spominany, ale pytali sa na podobne veci, takze sa to da...

les paul

jj otazky dost podobne, akurat som mal smolu - 78%  bu

Nejake veci co som si zapamatal co myslim neboli vo FINAE na FTPku>

- Ake su 3 veci co sa stanu pri boote CISCO switcha {medzi moznostami bolo daco ako TFTP, POST, bootstrap loaded from ROM, from flash file system a pod.}

- Co robi switchport port-security violation protect

- Co znaci cost 38 {ked zadate prikaz show spanning tree

- Scenario> 4 hosti zapojeny hviezdicovo do switcha v strede, co sa stane ked nastane kolizia

a tak..celkom zaujimave, casu bolo podla mna dost, akurat treba vediet zaklady a mat aj trosku stastie
Prosíme študentov, aby neodhadzovali špaky do pisoárov. Ťažko sa dofajčujú...


presne tak.. a ti, ktori sa to ucili poctivo, tak by nemali mat problem

...dnes sme mali asi vsetci ten test, co este neuzrel svetlo internetu :D


Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true regarding what the cost value of 23 represents for Switch4? (Choose two.)
   This cost represents the lowest cost path for Switch4 to the root switch.
   A cost of 23 is the value being advertised out port 16 on the switch upstream (closer) to the root switch.
   Switch4 adds the cost of a Fast Ethernet link to 23 to determine its total cost to reach the root switch.
   Switch4 is connected via a Fast Ethernet link to an upstream switch that in turn is directly connected to the root switch via a Gigabit Ethernet link.
   The root switch is advertising a cost of 23, which is lower than any other switch in the VLAN0001 spanning-tree domain.

Ktore odpovede by ste dali ???
Zivot je ako jazda na vytahu.Raz si hore,raz dole.


Quote from: valec on  28.10.2008, 18:47:21
presne tak.. a ti, ktori sa to ucili poctivo, tak by nemali mat problem

...dnes sme mali asi vsetci ten test, co este neuzrel svetlo internetu :D
a kolko otazkovy bol ten test?


What VLANs are allowed across a trunk when the range of allowed VLANs is set to the default value?
a)         All VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.
b)         Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk.
c)         Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk.
d)         The switches will negotiate via VTP which VLANs to allow across the trunk.

co by ste dali?....v teste je zaskrtnute acko,ale je to dobre????


chod na kurikula .... tam to mas popisane .... ja som to pochopil tak ze kym ty exaktne nezvolis iba povolene vlanky tak prejdu cez trunk vsetky
Zivot je ako jazda na vytahu.Raz si hore,raz dole.


Quote from: morrfun23 on  28.10.2008, 20:10:57
Quote from: valec on  28.10.2008, 18:47:21
presne tak.. a ti, ktori sa to ucili poctivo, tak by nemali mat problem

...dnes sme mali asi vsetci ten test, co este neuzrel svetlo internetu :D
a kolko otazkovy bol ten test?

Ja som mal presne 50 otazok, a tych 8-13 bolo z pdf-iek.


jj 50 otazok bolo

Quote from: Dulus on  28.10.2008, 19:35:19

Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true regarding what the cost value of 23 represents for Switch4? (Choose two.)
   This cost represents the lowest cost path for Switch4 to the root switch.
   A cost of 23 is the value being advertised out port 16 on the switch upstream (closer) to the root switch.
   Switch4 adds the cost of a Fast Ethernet link to 23 to determine its total cost to reach the root switch.
   Switch4 is connected via a Fast Ethernet link to an upstream switch that in turn is directly connected to the root switch via a Gigabit Ethernet link.
   The root switch is advertising a cost of 23, which is lower than any other switch in the VLAN0001 spanning-tree domain.

Ktore odpovede by ste dali ???
podla mna 1. a 3. moznost

Quote from: glassworker on  28.10.2008, 20:16:26
What VLANs are allowed across a trunk when the range of allowed VLANs is set to the default value?
a)         All VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.
b)         Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk.
c)         Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk.
d)         The switches will negotiate via VTP which VLANs to allow across the trunk.

co by ste dali?....v teste je zaskrtnute acko,ale je to dobre????
podla mna A

vsetky info su bez zaruky :D


no niektore otazky boli brutalne, ale bolo ich len par, asi tak 5-7... ostatne sa dali, ked clovek chape tym veciam v tych vyriesenych finaloch... No ale bodli by aj screeny toho tretieho testu  :smirk:

PS: Ide Vam prihlasit sa na cisco.netacad.net?



I´ma kick open the door of the oval office an I´ma chop that motherfuckin desk in half - Byaaah!!


Skus sa prihalsit cez IE, akurat nam dnes ing. Janitor povedal, ze v poslednej dobe na firefoxe niekedy neide nacitat stranku netacadu.


Quote from: letolto on  29.10.2008, 00:01:59
Skus sa prihalsit cez IE, akurat nam dnes ing. Janitor povedal, ze v poslednej dobe na firefoxe niekedy neide nacitat stranku netacadu.

Dik, cez IE to ide.


Staci pozriet napriklad len jeden final z netu, a pochopit princip otazok, zvycajne su otazky rovnakeho typu len pozmenene atributy.
V nedelu na obed budu krky


Zaujimala by ma taka vec -

How does an Ethernet switch handle traffic if the shared memory buffers and the port memory buffers
are full?

1. The switch allocates additional buffers in NVRAM.
2. The switch defragments the frame and stores it in NVRAM.
3. The switch routes the packet to the destination port.
4. The switch drops the traffic.

Pičoch jest veľo, ale nalivačoch malo!


Podla mna je
4. The switch drops the traffic.


jednoznacne 4...DOSnes switch :)
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


inak zohnal uz niekto aj 3. verziu finalu ?
Thor! Odin's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Your destiny awaits
Thor! Hlödyn's son
Protector of mankind
Ride to meet your fate
Ragnarök awaits


.....cawte pocujte sraci a 3-4 caje uploadnite niekto na ftp priklad co posielal fecilak koli praktickej casti....diki



ak vam blbne pod firefoxom prihlasenie tak skuste toto http://cisco.netacad.net/cnams/dispatch
som kto som vdaka palenke


ide vam na packet traceri prikaz:
interface range Fa 0/4 - 8
mne ne :03:


na 5.0 to funguje ... Co ti to vypisuje?
I´ma kick open the door of the oval office an I´ma chop that motherfuckin desk in half - Byaaah!!


ja mam pt 4.11
vypisuje: % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.