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Distribuované programovanie

Started by AnvilOfFury, 23.09.2011, 20:51:49

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


Quote from: felipe on  03.11.2011, 19:54:48
okay srsly! to je daco s dslabom abo co?
snazim sa spustit 3.3, na zaciatku mi vyhodi: 3.11.2011 12:52:54 com.sun.corba.se.impl.transport.SocketOrChannelConnectionImpl <init>
WARNING: "IOP00410201: (COMM_FAILURE) Connection failure: socketType: IIOP_CLEAR_TEXT; hostname: dslab.fei.tuke.sk; port: 10050" a za tym asi gazilion chyb...

robil som maly test....telnet na port 10050 neide:

// najprv na localhoste port kt. je v myprops.props ako ORBport
rnuexxx@dslab:~% telnet localhost 10050
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Exit 1

// test ssh portu presiel
rnuexxx@dslab:~% telnet dslab.fei.tuke.sk 22
Connected to dslab.fei.tuke.sk.
Escape character is '^]'.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.5p1 Debian-6+squeeze1
telnet> Connection closed.

// test s ORBHost a ORBPort zo samotneho servra - nepresiel
rnuexxx@dslab:~% telnet dslab.fei.tuke.sk 10050
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
Exit 1

tak to vyzera, ze chyba je na servri.....ci?? ak sa mylim, prosim opravte ma :)


hej aj mne to robi... pritom pred dvoma tyzdnami ked som skusal trojku, tak mi aspon vypisalo uzly...
Čo môžeš urobiť dnes odlož na pozajtra a ziskaš deň voľna.

"I'm a man of simple tastes. I enjoy dynamite...and gunpowder...and gasoline! "


Ahojte, prislo mi vyhodnotenie druheho zadania.... a neviem, ako si to mam podla tychto failed-ov opravit....Vie mi niekto pomoct?

[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (correct list/non-empty result)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (correct list/non-empty result)

[FAILED]         Execute search() method with correct host list and not matching search query
[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (correct list/empty result)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (correct list/empty result)

[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (correct list/non-empty result)


no dalsia ovecka do zbierky co jej toto vypisuje a ziaden tusak co s tym :D vidim to na konzultacku u paralica :) lebo projekt mi ide bez problemov a mam to stejne jak kamos a on ma za plny pocet :) ta som zvedavy :D


Tiež mam podobne chyby, a neviem čo s tým, veď vyhľadávanie mi funguje, ako má


Napisany mail M. Tomasekovi. Uvidim aka bude odpoved. Preposlal som aj text emailu s vysledkom. Nevidim si tam ako ziadnu chybu, pripadne nieco nelogicke alebo tak, osobne si myslim ze mi vsetko funguje ako ma. Hodilo mi to tie veci ako Vam. S prechadzanim listov a pod. Budem informovat o odpovedi.
Keep information to yourself - Knowledge is power. Think job security. Never provide documentation.
Use Real Tools - No "fancy-pancy" IDEs. Real developers only use vi.
Compiled = Ship It - User acceptance testing is an absolute waste of time.


dnes dostal asi viac mailov :D .... len blbe je, ze uz zajtra je posledny den na odovzanie za 100%....


no jo, plz ked na to nejaky 9,84-ový dojde, nech da sem odpoved

we are the 99 % !  ;D
So this router walks into the doctor's office...
- Doctor, it hurts when IP.


Warrning! TL!

This is the grading information for lab <2>, calculated using the <120> deadline:

Test series 1: Testing RMI search client functionality (1):
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with correct host list and matching search query
[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (correct list/non-empty result)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (correct list/non-empty result)
Points for test series 1: 0,1 / 1,7

Test series 2: Testing RMI search client functionality (2) :
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with correct host list and not matching search query
[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (correct list/empty result)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (correct list/empty result)
Points for test series 2: 0,1 / 1,5

Test series 3: Testing RMI search client functionality (3):
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with correct host list and 'null' search query
Points for test series 3: 0,1 / 0,5

Test series 4: Testing RMI search client functionality (4):
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with host list containing unreachable contact
[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (unreachable contact)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (unreachable contact)
Points for test series 4: 0,1 / 1,5

Test series 5: Testing search engine (RMI server):
[OK]             Instantiate ISearchEngine implementation
[OK]             ISearchEngine object is instance of RemoteUnicastObject
[OK]             Invoke search() method of ISearchEngine implementation
[OK]             Check returned ISearchResponse
Points for test series 5: 2,4 / 2,4

Test series 6: Testing integration of components:
[OK]             Check use of rebind()
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl and call start() method
[OK]             Check registration of server with RMI registry
[OK]             Stop ShareMeImpl via UDP packet sent to the ShutdownListener
[OK]             Check use of unbind()
Points for test series 6: 5,4 / 5,4

Sum of all tests        8,2 points
Percentage              120 %
Total points            9,84

Ohladom toho som pisal Tomasekovi, nepripada mi ze by tam malo byt nieco zle, na prechadzanie listov som si daval pozor, aby zobralo vsetkych uzivatelov, pri chybe som nehadzal ShareMeException ale len vypisal hlasku a dany uzol nezobralo do vysledku. Dalsia vec, to ze trebalo cekovat vstupny retazec na null - dodany program ktory bol na testovanie-spustanie zobral vpohode prazdny riadok a vyhladal vsetky subory od kazdeho...to mi pride celkom normalne nie?
Keep information to yourself - Knowledge is power. Think job security. Never provide documentation.
Use Real Tools - No "fancy-pancy" IDEs. Real developers only use vi.
Compiled = Ship It - User acceptance testing is an absolute waste of time.


no uz konecne ta CORBA funguje :D


6.11.2011 2:13:29 at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.security.SecurityHelperImpl getPublicKeyFromCA
SEVERE: null
at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.ca.CorbaCAImpl.CorbaCAException: IDL:CorbaCAImpl/CorbaCAException:1.0
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.ca.CorbaCAImpl.CorbaCAExceptionHelper.read(CorbaCAExceptionHelper.java:65)
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.ca.CorbaCAImpl._ICertificationAuthorityStub.getKey(_ICertificationAuthorityStub.java:52)
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.security.SecurityHelperImpl.getPublicKeyFromCA(Unknown Source)
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.ShareMeImpl.search(Unknown Source)
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.helpers.search.SearchMain.main(SearchMain.java:82)

Testujem 3.3 a pri vyhladavani suborov mi toto vyskakuje niekedy, je to velky problem, neviete niekto ako to osetrit?


ako vygenerovat stub triedy CORBA?


Quote from: delfinik68 on  07.11.2011, 14:24:12
ako vygenerovat stub triedy CORBA?

ant idlj - alebo nieco take, pozri build.xml



ma byt zajtra cviko s paralicom  bu  15:10  lebo pred dvoma tyzdnami nevravel nic k zapoctu


Nevie niekto, co je za problem, ked mi stale vyhadzuje toto??:

        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.security.CryptographyImpl.sign(Unknown Source)
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.security.SecurityHelperImpl.sign(Unknown Source)
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.implementation.ShareMeImpl.search(Unknown Source)
        at at.ac.tuwien.infosys.rnue.helpers.search.SearchMain.main(SearchMain.java:82)
Generic Error!

Hladal som kdekolvek tu "null" hodnotu, al fakt to newem najst. Co je vlastne na tom riadku 82 SearchMain.java?? Nemame k nemu pristup, ja len ze ci nahodou :angel: Nieje tam nahodou spustanie metody ShareMeImpl.search??


pozri sa na sign() metodu.. a za behu v nej skontroluj ci privatny kluc nie je null..


ked sa dobre pamatam ten generic error mi hadzalo ked som vytvoril prazdny subor v ktorom maju byt ulozene kluce... skus ho zmazat a spusti program znova nech ho vygeneruje sam.



Quote from: Eriik on  11.11.2011, 01:43:15
kedy konci 120% na trojku ?
do 19.11 vtedy uz zacina termin 100%


nie, 120tka plati do 12.11 23:59, 100ka do 19.11 23:59


Quote from: AnvilOfFury on  05.11.2011, 19:35:44
Warrning! TL!

This is the grading information for lab <2>, calculated using the <120> deadline:

Test series 1: Testing RMI search client functionality (1):
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with correct host list and matching search query
[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (correct list/non-empty result)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (correct list/non-empty result)
Points for test series 1: 0,1 / 1,7

Test series 2: Testing RMI search client functionality (2) :
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with correct host list and not matching search query
[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (correct list/empty result)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (correct list/empty result)
Points for test series 2: 0,1 / 1,5

Test series 3: Testing RMI search client functionality (3):
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with correct host list and 'null' search query
Points for test series 3: 0,1 / 0,5

Test series 4: Testing RMI search client functionality (4):
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl class
[FAILED]         Execute search() method with host list containing unreachable contact
[FAILED]         Check number of owners in search result (unreachable contact)
[FAILED]         Check number of entries per owner (unreachable contact)
Points for test series 4: 0,1 / 1,5

Test series 5: Testing search engine (RMI server):
[OK]             Instantiate ISearchEngine implementation
[OK]             ISearchEngine object is instance of RemoteUnicastObject
[OK]             Invoke search() method of ISearchEngine implementation
[OK]             Check returned ISearchResponse
Points for test series 5: 2,4 / 2,4

Test series 6: Testing integration of components:
[OK]             Check use of rebind()
[OK]             Instantiate ShareMeImpl and call start() method
[OK]             Check registration of server with RMI registry
[OK]             Stop ShareMeImpl via UDP packet sent to the ShutdownListener
[OK]             Check use of unbind()
Points for test series 6: 5,4 / 5,4

Sum of all tests        8,2 points
Percentage              120 %
Total points            9,84

Ohladom toho som pisal Tomasekovi, nepripada mi ze by tam malo byt nieco zle, na prechadzanie listov som si daval pozor, aby zobralo vsetkych uzivatelov, pri chybe som nehadzal ShareMeException ale len vypisal hlasku a dany uzol nezobralo do vysledku. Dalsia vec, to ze trebalo cekovat vstupny retazec na null - dodany program ktory bol na testovanie-spustanie zobral vpohode prazdny riadok a vyhladal vsetky subory od kazdeho...to mi pride celkom normalne nie?

Dnes som bol za Paraličom ohľadom hodnotenia, ktoré som mal podobné. Chybu som mal v 1.5-ke. Tam trebalo vytvoriť nový objekt HostListImpl v konštruktore triedy ShareMeImpl. Ja som tento objekt samozrejme vytvoril v metóde start(). Pri hodnotení 1-ky to systém nekontroloval a vplyv na funkcionalitu to samozrejme nemá žiadnu. No hodnotiaci systém pri hodnotení 2 úlohy testoval funkcionalitu pomocou konštruktora, no a keďže v konštruktore som HostListImpl nevytvoril, automaticky nevedelo otestovať správne ani funkcionalitu metódy search().


hmm aj ja tak mam ..

a ? bol si rehabilitovany ?
So this router walks into the doctor's office...
- Doctor, it hurts when IP.


Paralič mi povedal, že je to triviálna chyba, čiže mám to submitovať ešte raz a na cviku mi spustí vyhodnotenie. Keď bude všetko v poriadku, tak strhne 0,5 boda z celkového hodnotenia. Keďže som to odovzdával v 120% termíne, tak to bude aj takto hodnotené.


cawte, prave som spravil trojku a myslim ze funguje, lenze ked dam hladat daky subor tak mi vypise zoznam uzlov dvakrat. Aj s podpisom a aj bez. Ma to robit tak, ci mam niekde chybu? A este v myprops.props ked zmenim nazov suboru keyfile tak mi program hadze chybu ze sa nenasli podpisy, ale ked necham xxx (predtym som nemal nic nastavene tak mi to vygenerovalo toto ako keyfile) tak to ide, ale ked dam vygenerovat novy subor tak to hadze chybu:D neviete preco?:)