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wladeho kútik š?astia

Started by ondY.ke, 09.05.2008, 21:34:47

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


Tu mas chlapec priestor len pre teba ;) enjoy...
http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!


sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


nevem ci ste nepochopili ale toto tu je priestor pre wladeho ne pre nas ;) spravime si topic o wladeho kutiku stastia? :D idem tam
http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!


I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!


skoda ze sa musim ucit na prenasany predmet z druhaku, inac by som mozno aj nieco vesele napisal :D
I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


mUf :zuzka: ywetku


ondY mysliet to iste... ondy hladny ondY chciet banan!
http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!


I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


keby tak bolo ta ty uz mas ban od prveho prispevku ;)
http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!


I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...

Ing. nemtom

brix will be shat


no sak kto je global moderator? :D  hybaj sem chlapec popresuvat secky jeho posty ;)
http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!


len nechapem preco sa wladeho kutik nenachadza v O nicom :/
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?


Sice hej, ked uz tu chcete mat taku blbost tak tam by to mohlo byt...
I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


asi preto ze tam si to nikto nevsimne ;)
http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!

Ing. nemtom

jakze ne, o nicom je najvychytanejsia cast fora
brix will be shat


I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


nene ja si tu len chodim poflipovat a hlavne ked nieco potrebujem... ne jak ty wlade ze si tu vylievas srdce...
http://ondytown.myminicity.com/ - everybody support my town!!!! we build this city on rock 'n roll!!!!


Quote from: ondY.ke on  10.05.2008, 19:21:02
nene ja si tu len chodim poflipovat a hlavne ked nieco potrebujem... ne jak ty wlade ze si tu vylievas srdce...

neboj od JM uz take neuvidis... tam to bolo posledne...
I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


Quote from: wlade on  10.05.2008, 19:28:54
Quote from: ondY.ke on  10.05.2008, 19:21:02
nene ja si tu len chodim poflipovat a hlavne ked nieco potrebujem... ne jak ty wlade ze si tu vylievas srdce...

neboj od JM uz take neuvidis... tam to bolo posledne...
potom ked pojde n HI a bude matr s Lescisinom tak tu moze pisat flipy

napr ja len co si pamatam tak nam vysvetloval co su to foršne

od slova zastupca vytvoril mnozne cislo zastpici
+ v ramci emancipacie zaviedol zensky ekvivalent s slovu zastupicky
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


Quote from: nighthunter on  10.05.2008, 19:34:42
Quote from: wlade on  10.05.2008, 19:28:54
Quote from: ondY.ke on  10.05.2008, 19:21:02
nene ja si tu len chodim poflipovat a hlavne ked nieco potrebujem... ne jak ty wlade ze si tu vylievas srdce...

neboj od JM uz take neuvidis... tam to bolo posledne...
potom ked pojde n HI a bude matr s Lescisinom tak tu moze pisat flipy

napr ja len co si pamatam tak nam vysvetloval co su to foršne

od slova zastupca vytvoril mnozne cislo zastpici
+ v ramci emancipacie zaviedol zensky ekvivalent s slovu zastupicky

juj tak to sa tesim :) To budu zaujimave "Dane a danove systemy" :D
I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


no u nas to bol dost hustu predmet, plno neporobilo

ale sme maili inu vyucujucu
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)


ta JCubikova je tiez kapitola sama o sebe :)

som myslel BAnociovu
10 veci ktore na PC nenavidim
1. MAIS 2. Vista 3. Office 07 4. ICQ 5 Internet Explorer 6 WMP 7 BSOD 8.......(prijimam napady)