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Zadanie z Bezp.v Internete

Started by Username, 29.03.2007, 23:38:53

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


Vyhlasujem konkurz na vyhotovenie zadania z predmetu kt. neplanujem venovat cas.

Podmienky: Byt schopny urobit ho a nemat prehnane naroky na cenu.

Vyhody: Naucite sa nieco uzitocne, zarobite si na drogy, hardware, stetky, skratka na co budete chciet...

Úloha II Write a secured client-server package for file transfer. The server
will listen on some network port. File transfer has to be secured by block
cipher of your choice. No client should be able to to read or write anything
outside server defined directory tree, but subdirectories are allowed underneath
it. File transfer could be one of the READ or WRITE operation.
Server side has to be multi-threaded, to be able serves more clients at the
same time.
Language C/C++

btw niesom si isty ci mam naozaj toto  zadanie, takze popripade upresnim.
btwbtw ak nahodou mate nieco hotove co je tomuto podobne, tiez sa vieme dohodnut ;)


No ja mam tiez to zadanie druhe... a  taktiez nemam nato cas vobec.... ;)


Uloha IV Your task is to write simple computer virus and scanner/cleaner
to it. Virus has to be able infect files(linux/win32) in same directory related
to virus. Virus infetion may not be destructive, only print message
on stdout. Virus need to have self identification to determine if file(s) is
or not infected already. Scanner part of the assignment must check given
directory/disk and must be able to remove infection (get file(s) to previous
Language C/C++

toto viete,virus dajaky,neviem to,nemam cas a nervy na to,velmi dobre zaplatim,staci zdrojak


hmm uz sa vam niekto ozval? ja potrebujem zdrojak k zadaniu č.1  :nervous:


Taktiez potrebujem zadanie cislo 1