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skuska SOJ

Started by badi, 27.12.2007, 23:21:37

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Quote from: JCube on  13.01.2008, 18:35:43
spacewar... :) yeah az na to ze bola druha... :P prva bola tennis for two..

Spacewar druha urcite nie.  :)  Vid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong
Ale dik za Tennis for Two, bol som neustale v omyle ze Pong bola prva


jj jasne Pong som zabudol...dik za info..

aj ked tie dve boli vypustene skor... :) ale boli robene v laboratornych podmienkach...toto bola prva hra od Atari pustena do sveta...
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


myslim ze tu je to jasne:
QuoteThe earliest known interactive electronic game was created by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann on a cathode ray tube[3] in 1947. The game was a missile simulator inspired by radar displays from World War II. It used analog circuitry, not digital, to control the CRT beam and position a dot on the screen. Screen overlays were used for targets since graphics could not be drawn at the time.[1]

On May 5, 1951, the NIMROD computer was presented at the Festival of Britain. Using a panel of lights for its display, it was designed exclusively to play the game of NIM; this was the first instance of a digital computer designed specifically to play a game.[4] NIMROD could play either the traditional or "reverse" form of the game.
Tennis for Two recreation
Tennis for Two recreation

In 1952, Alexander S. Douglas made the first computer game to use a graphical display, OXO (Noughts and Crosses), for the EDSAC computer.

In 1958, William Higinbotham made an interactive game named Tennis for Two for the Brookhaven National Laboratory's annual visitor's day. This display, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, was meant to promote atomic power, and used an analog computer and the vector display system of an oscilloscope.[5][6]

In 1961, MIT students Martin Graetz, Steve Russell, and Wayne Wiitanen created the game Spacewar! on a DEC PDP-1 computer which also used a vector display system.[1][6]
The Magnavox Odyssey released in 1972
The Magnavox Odyssey released in 1972

In 1966, Ralph Baer resumed work on an initial idea he had in 1951 to make an interactive game on a television set. The Brown Box, the last prototype of seven, was released in May 1972 by Magnavox under the name Odyssey. It was the first home video game console.[1]

Baer was involved in court battles over patents that spanned the 1970s and 1980s. These trials defined a video game as an apparatus that displays games by manipulating the video display signal of the raster equipment: a television set, a monitor, etc. The previous computer games did not use a video display, so did not qualify as such in the courts.[1]

Baer's position was further substantiated on February 13, 2006 when he was given a National Medal of Technology by President George W. Bush, in honor of his "groundbreaking and pioneering creation, development and commercialization of interactive video games."[7]

In 1971, Bill Pitts and Hugh Tuck developed the first coin-operated computer game, Galaxy Game, at Stanford University using a DEC PDP-11/20 computer; only one unit was ever built (although it was later adapted to run up to eight games at once). Two months after its installation, Computer Space by Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney was released, which was the first coin-operated video game to be commercially sold (and the first widely available video game of any kind, predating the Odyssey by six months). Both games were variations on the vector display 1961 Spacewar!; however, Bushnell and Dabney's used an actual video display by having an actual television set in the cabinet.

Pong, often thought of as the first video game, was not released until 1972 (a year after Computer Space), and the home version did not come out until 1975 (three years after the Odyssey). Pong also used the same television design as Computer Space.
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


Quote from: JCube on  13.01.2008, 18:55:53
jj jasne Pong som zabudol...dik za info..

Super, vidim ze si online. Chcel som zrobit novy thread na diskusiu pre priklady zo SOJ... Par veci mi nesedi v tom priklady.rar co je na ftp.

Napr. ked mame:

Príklad   :   Vytvorte generujúci systém pre  L = { N0(x) = N1(x) | x ∈ {0,1}*}
Riešenie :  a)        S -> ASB | AB
                           AB -> BA
                             A -> 1
                             B -> 0

Preco tu nestaci dat?:
                           S -> ASB | AB
                           A -> 0
                           B -> 1

Sorry ak je to trivialna vec, ale vidi sa mi to na chlp rovnake  :j_huh:


ndpc  :emot-LMAO: Pong je dost stara v porovnani s ostatnymi. Dobry vyskum  :)


pardon - "mlada"


Quote from: doc.returner on  13.01.2008, 19:06:02
Quote from: JCube on  13.01.2008, 18:55:53
jj jasne Pong som zabudol...dik za info..

Super, vidim ze si online. Chcel som zrobit novy thread na diskusiu pre priklady zo SOJ... Par veci mi nesedi v tom priklady.rar co je na ftp.

Napr. ked mame:

Príklad   :   Vytvorte generujúci systém pre  L = { N0(x) = N1(x) | x ∈ {0,1}*}
Riešenie :  a)        S -> ASB | AB
                           AB -> BA
                             A -> 1
                             B -> 0

Preco tu nestaci dat?:
                           S -> ASB | AB
                           A -> 0
                           B -> 1

Sorry ak je to trivialna vec, ale vidi sa mi to na chlp rovnake  :j_huh:

pokial spravne chapem tak to ma byt retazec s nulami a jednotkami a pocet jednotiek a nul ma byt rovnaky...ibaze tvojim sposobom nevies generovat napriklad 01010101 ale len 00001111 preto je tam to AB->BA
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


Aha jasne... Takze totalne zle chapem vyraz {1,0}*  :emot-LMAO:

Este na ozrejmenie - Moze nastat len pripad 10 | 01, alebo len pripad 00 | 11? (predpokladam ze menej ako 2 cifry tam nemozu nastat)


moze nastat aj 1001 aj 0011 aj 01 aj 10 o tom hovori to S -> ASB alebo AB
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


Ako jasne, rozumiem ze mozu nastat kvazi nekonecne retazce, len som chcel vediet ake pripady mozu nastat v ramci dvojcifernych retazcov... Ale badam ze som debil ked som zo samotnej gramatiky S -> ASB | AB nevydedukoval ze 00 ani 11 nemoze nastat  :emot-LMAO:

Diks moc krasne  :thumbs-up:


Okay, posledna otazka na ten posledny trivialny priklad  :D

Tympadom je jedno ci dam:
A -> 1
B -> 0


A -> 0
B -> 1


Kedze AB -> BA dotvara potrebnu upravu...


Quote from: JCube on  13.01.2008, 18:37:48
pripadne detaily

Quote from: mrkvy on  13.01.2008, 18:36:43
video k tomu nemas? :D
mam mam

sak to bolo aj na labakoch z fyziky taky stroj, len na zeleno bol vystup ladeny :D to asi prebrali fyzici z tej hry...


Quote from: doc.returner on  13.01.2008, 19:40:50
Okay, posledna otazka na ten posledny trivialny priklad  :D

Tympadom je jedno ci dam:
A -> 1
B -> 0


A -> 0
B -> 1


Kedze AB -> BA dotvara potrebnu upravu...
je to jedno
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


Vyborne, diky moč!  :D


Priklady nemate nejake aspon znenia, ale bodli by aj vypracovane, ktore budu na skuske, teda z ktorych bude vyberane... dik


nema niekto tu hru tenis for two na PC ? rad by som zahral  :bananawrite: :j_laugh:


Quote from: diacon.mex on  13.01.2008, 19:52:07
Priklady nemate nejake aspon znenia, ale bodli by aj vypracovane, ktore budu na skuske, teda z ktorych bude vyberane... dik

Na ftp ich par je - vid ftp://grand.dreamhost.com/FEI/2%20roc/SOJ/priklady.rar


sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


na jaku picu ste tu zacali s tymi hrami? ???


aby si sa nic nenaucil... :D
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"





a da sa to hrat aj cez net  :lol9:


ja neviem vyhrat :( treba mi cheaty...


Radsej ani netaham.. ;) Este ze to nie je online.. :D
(O.o )
(> < ) To understand is to be, but to be taken, requires a state of trance.......  ;)

mrkvy :zuzka: svoj vodicak :D