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Started by diacon.mex, 21.02.2008, 04:03:41

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


no az nato ze chyby su v 2 otazkach  :P


V dvoch? Ked som porovnaval svoje odpovede s tymi vyplnenymi tak som sa lisil len v tej jednej a mam plnku... Hoc 2 otazky v tom vyplnenom teste som u seba ani nevidel   ???


no tak co som pozeral do gradebooku tak 2 su zle  :emot-shakehead: tie otazky si mozno len prehliadol, isto mas take iste ;)


Tak neviem ci kukam na zly vyplneny test ale napr tuto otazku som vobec nemal

12. A router has the following entries in its routing table:

S [1/0] via
O [110/2175] via, 00:02:15, FastEthernet0/1
D [90/22455] via, 00:12:15, Serial0/0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:15, Serial0/0/1

The router receives a packet that is destined for a host with the address Which route would this router use to forward the packet?

* the static route
the OSPF route
the EIGRP route
the RIP route

Ostatne som mal rovnake... Snad niekto zisti kde sa skryva ta druha zla odpoved


kukam 9ku test, ale na tej stranke to nejaky debil vyplnoval, ved tam je skoro VSETKO zle....


sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


Quote from: doc.returner on  23.04.2008, 07:20:53
Tak neviem ci kukam na zly vyplneny test ale napr tuto otazku som vobec nemal

12. A router has the following entries in its routing table:

S [1/0] via
O [110/2175] via, 00:02:15, FastEthernet0/1
D [90/22455] via, 00:12:15, Serial0/0/0
R [120/2] via, 00:00:15, Serial0/0/1

The router receives a packet that is destined for a host with the address Which route would this router use to forward the packet?

* the static route
the OSPF route
the EIGRP route
the RIP route

Ostatne som mal rovnake... Snad niekto zisti kde sa skryva ta druha zla odpoved

no podla mna je v tejto otazke:

What determines if the router implements a classless route lookup process?

Child routes are present in the routing table.
A classless routing protocol has been configured on the router.
**The command ip classless is enabled on the router.
Multiple routes with different masks to the same destination are in the routing table.
Routing table entries have a next-hop IP address and an exit interface for each child route.

a pepco ma vyznacenu moznost : A classless routing protocol has been configured on the router.

ale v kurikulu bolo take napisane :

Classful vs. Classless Routing Behavior in the Real World

Remember that classful and classless routing behaviors are independent from classful and classless routing protocols. A router could be configured with classful routing behavior (no ip classless) and a classless routing protocol, such as RIPv2. A router could also be configured with classless routing behavior (ip classless) and a classful routing protocol, such as RIPv1.

In today's networks, it is recommended to use classless routing behavior so that supernet and default routes can be used whenever needed.


**The command ip classless is enabled on the router.

To som vyznacil aj ja, hej. Classless protocol je nezavisly od classless behavior...


Nescreenoval som svoje odpovede, ale vychytam par chyb ktore su uvedene na screenoch z ftp (tych 86 percent, opravujem screeny lebo tie odpovede zo Stabynohoveho zdroja su fakt hrozne  :emot-LMAO:):

  • 1. topology table
  • 3. search routing table for a feasibile successor -> search topology table for a feasibile successor
  • 6. neighbor -> routing
  • 9. The backup route to network is installed in the routing table
  • 12. The serial interfaces for both routers are in different networks. -> The hello timer for R1 was altered

Opravte ma prosim ak som sa dakde sekol, lebo jednu odpoved mam niekde zlu  :-\


Quote from: doc.returner on  24.04.2008, 04:18:03
Nescreenoval som svoje odpovede, ale vychytam par chyb ktore su uvedene na screenoch z ftp (tych 86 percent, opravujem screeny lebo tie odpovede zo Stabynohoveho zdroja su fakt hrozne  :emot-LMAO:):

  • 1. topology table
  • 3. search routing table for a feasibile successor -> search topology table for a feasibile successor
  • 6. neighbor -> routing
  • 9. The backup route to network is installed in the routing table
  • 12. The serial interfaces for both routers are in different networks. -> The hello timer for R1 was altered

Opravte ma prosim ak som sa dakde sekol, lebo jednu odpoved mam niekde zlu  :-\

ja som mal 100% a okrem 12ky som mal vsetko ako ty, myslim tie opravy oproti tomu na hypnose

cize v tej 12ke su dobre odpovede tie co su na hypnose v tom teste


Takze predsa... Myslel som ze ten "network" mysleli fyzicky ako linku   :(


doc. : network je predsa vzdicky SIETOVA...
Hardware: the parts of a computer that can be kicked.
- Jeff Pesis

   Who's General Failure and why's he reading my disk?
- Anonymous

   Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.
- Andrew Brown


Temeraf a citron je vzdy ovocny  :)



Len tak nahodou, nema niektyo pomerne slusne spracovane materialy v slovencine k celej CCNA2 teraz vo verzii 4.0 (bo na staru 3.1 ich bolo dost) ?

Lebo ucit sa to anglicke nie je bohvieco ked musim kazde 10-te ci 20-te slovo hladat v slovniku a mi tak unika zmysel vety :/
I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


bohuzial...jednotku som celu rpelozil ale na dvojku som nemal cas...
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


fuuh tak nemusite doslovnbe prepkladat, ja len ci nahodou nie su nejake materialy s ktorych by sa dalo rychlo ucit a pomerne k veci, na final dvojku co bude za chvilu :)
I'm not normal, but paranormal abnormal...
Full series: X-Files & Masters Of Horror :D

HC Košice 4ever (B17-4-1) :buttrock:

Dawn of the FEI:
When there's no more room in FEI, the dead students will walk the earth...


o prelozenej 4.0 neviem..
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


blizi sa druhy final....dake screeny sa uz nanajdu? :trestac:


robil som v piatok a nie je tazky...ani som sa moc neucil a mam cez 95... :) ked si si odkonfiguroval daco na cvikach a v pt zvladnes..
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


...no praktickej casti sa nebojim, s konfigurovanim na cvikach nemam ani ja problem....len ten final....zisli by sa screeny....

na dake otazky si nespomenies?....take co ta zaskocili....


hmm tusim som mal zle len to ze ked su dve trasy z roznou AD do rovnakej siete ci ich da router obidve do tabulky alebo nie... :)
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"




myslim ze ee...lebo ine veci som imho zle nemal... :)
sudo [ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf /* || echo "Alive!"


podarilo sa mi najst vycuc z druheho semestra po slovensky....uz je na ftpcku v zlozke CCNA2 - SVK  :guitar:

dufam,ze to dakomu pomoze...  bq