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Started by diacon.mex, 21.02.2008, 04:03:41

« predch�dzaj�ce - �al�ie »


vyssie som napisal preco to nie je spravne to s vymazanim ;)


no nieze neje nutne, ale na mazanie running nastavenia mas reload :)




a na mazanie runing config nieje zvlast command?




mzem dalsiu otazku?  br

je zname ze switch nema IP adresu, a ma MAC adresu?


MAC adresu nema pokial viem... (IP sa mu prideluje len pre konfiguraciu)



tak co som pozeral na net tak predsa len ma MAC :) (co je v podstate aj logicke)  bk


heh...taze zmena...ma MAC.... bq dobre vediet....


Quote from: glassworker on  03.04.2008, 02:17:22
Quote from: Sooloni on  03.04.2008, 01:01:44
Which statement is true about the running configuration file in a Cisco IOS device?
It affects the operation of the device immediately when modified.
It is stored in NVRAM.
It should be deleted using the erase running-config command.
It is automatically saved when the router reboots.

podla mna je spravne:
It affects the operation of the device immediately when modified.
It should be deleted using the erase running-config command.

maju byt dve spravne???

...a automaticky sa to neulozi po reboote....

Tu otazku mas kompletnu? Lebo mne sa zda, ze na teste bolo aspon 5 odpovedi a z toho min. 2 spravne... Z tychto 4 co su tu by som dal len prvu



mozem poprosit o vysvetlenie, ze ako to basnik myslel.... :smokin:


Presne tak ako je v kurikulach napisane. Treba citat  :h_wink:


no to si mi pomohol.....


Tak si precitaj cely chapter 5 ak ti nepomoze toto:


A technician has connected the PC to the switch using a Category 6 UTP cable. Which two statements are true about this connection? (Choose two.)
The cable that is used is an Ethernet crossover cable.
The transmit pin of the cable is terminated to the receive pin.
The maximum distance between the switch and the PC can be 100 m.
The maximum supported bandwidth is 1000 Mb/s.
The Category 6 cable simulates a point-to-point WAN link and is unusable for this type of connection.


Quote from: Sooloni on  03.04.2008, 03:48:08
A technician has connected the PC to the switch using a Category 6 UTP cable. Which two statements are true about this connection? (Choose two.)
The cable that is used is an Ethernet crossover cable.
The transmit pin of the cable is terminated to the receive pin.
The maximum distance between the switch and the PC can be 100 m.
The maximum supported bandwidth is 1000 Mb/s.
The Category 6 cable simulates a point-to-point WAN link and is unusable for this type of connection.

ja by som dal....

The maximum distance between the switch and the PC can be 100 m.
The maximum supported bandwidth is 1000 Mb/s.

opravte ma ak sa mylim....


+ este mam otazku co sa stane v MAC tabulke SWITCHa ked sa na danom porte (interface-i) vypne PC? zostane tam MAC adresa zachovana? alebo ju swicth okamzite odstrani z tabulky???


The maximum distance between the switch and the PC can be 100 m.
The transmit pin of the cable is terminated to the receive pin.


no ja nejak si nepatam ze o aky kabel sa jedna akurat - ta prva moznost je urcite zle, a myslim ze aj druha?


Quote from: kOsTi on  03.04.2008, 03:52:04
The maximum distance between the switch and the PC can be 100 m.
The transmit pin of the cable is terminated to the receive pin.
Ked si dal toto:
The transmit pin of the cable is terminated to the receive pin.
tak preco si nedal aj ze je to Cross ved to je to iste.

Sooloni: switch ju okamzite odstrani.


Quote from: Sooloni on  03.04.2008, 03:51:04
+ este mam otazku co sa stane v MAC tabulke SWITCHa ked sa na danom porte (interface-i) vypne PC? zostane tam MAC adresa zachovana? alebo ju swicth okamzite odstrani z tabulky???

hmm ked si dobre pamatam, je tam nejaky cas kedy sa nechava mac adresa, a potom sa odstrani, ale ked xces vediet presnejsie pozri sa do kurikula, mne sa nexce teraz hladat :)


Quote from: puq on  03.04.2008, 04:45:40
Quote from: Sooloni on  03.04.2008, 03:51:04
+ este mam otazku co sa stane v MAC tabulke SWITCHa ked sa na danom porte (interface-i) vypne PC? zostane tam MAC adresa zachovana? alebo ju swicth okamzite odstrani z tabulky???

hmm ked si dobre pamatam, je tam nejaky cas kedy sa nechava mac adresa, a potom sa odstrani, ale ked xces vediet presnejsie pozri sa do kurikula, mne sa nexce teraz hladat :)
Tomu sa nadava Time Stamp ale to zabezpeci odstranenie zaznamu aj ked je komp pripojeny a spusteny. To je nieco ine. Proste ako nahle odpojis, alebo vypnes PC tak prislusny port na switch ide down a aj zaznam v tabulke sa vymaze.


no ale napr ak vypnes PC tak napajanie v NIC je este stale (az pokym nevypnes aj zdroj) :)


jj kurwa zere stale:D